Strong Partnerships
with Bath Township, Ohio
SSI Modules Implemented
VIP Accounting
VIP Analytics
VIP Payroll
Relying heavily on centralized accounting processes in Bath Township Administration, individual departments served a secondary role in budget development and payroll processing. As a result, budgetary planning and payroll processing lacked efficiency with undue burden placed on the payroll/finance specialist to perform many of these functions. Payroll processing was conducted through a series of manual steps and it became apparent there was room for improvement. With an ever-growing demand on Township Administration, the Fiscal Officer and the Payroll/Finance Specialist, the township realized they had outgrown their manual processes and reporting techniques.
Bath Township was pleased with their Software Solutions Inc. partnership, and wanted to maintain that relationship with upgrades to the current system software. The primary goal during the transition was to decentralize the township’s accounting processes, meaning instead of having one channel for information to flow and be approved, each department could oversee their budgets and accounts and take greater control. Other goals included reducing the amount of paper being printed, speeding up the payroll process, and improving reporting capabilities.
Bath Township switched to the Visual Intelligence Portfolio® (VIP) to help decentralize the accounting process. With VIP Accounting, VIP Analytics, and departmental workflows, each department head had the ability to create and manage their own budget during the year, rather than relying on one person to perform those functions. The software upgrade through Software Solutions also created efficiencies in the payroll process with the implementation of VIP Payroll. Some other benefits of the new software upgrades include:
Emailing paystubs and information instead of printing and mailing the stubs.
Department heads could use the self-service tool to allow user-specific, secure access to the system.
As entities like Bath Township change and grow, Software Solutions has the technology needed to continually advance the entity. Bath Township enjoys a modern office environment with up to date technology that will allow them to adapt to inevitable changes in the future.
Transitioning to VIP opened a lot of doors for us for our accounting, payroll, and reporting processes. We now rely heavily on the tools, especially VIP Analytics, for decision-making.”
We brought payroll processing from 3 to 4 days down to 1 day.
Our transition to VIP was good and the implementation team was very helpful. They made the process very easy.
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