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Tips & Tricks

How to Talk to Your Council About ERP Software

If you’re looking to modernize your city, county, or township’s financial and administrative...

How to Use Artificial Intelligence Safely in the Public Sector

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Cutting Days of Exposure to Boost Utility Revenue and Efficiency

Cutting Days of Exposure to Boost Utility Revenue and Efficiency

Having too many Days...

Getting Through Payroll Year-End

Getting Through Payroll Year-End

You're sitting at...

A Guide to Closing Utility Accounts for Deceased Customers

A Guide to Closing Utility Accounts for Deceased Customers

Closing utility...

What Do the Best (and Worst) ERP Implementations Look Like?

What Do the Best (and Worst) ERP Implementations Look Like?

ERP Software often...

I Received a Software End-of-Life Letter... What Do I Do Now?

I Received a Software End-of-Life Letter... What Do I Do Now?
So, you received an...

How to use Whova at a Public Sector Conference

Industry conferences, like the Ohio GFOA, are increasingly using apps to enhance their events. And...

Retire the Ruler for Good

When utility bills are sent out, every number and detail matters. No one wants to make headline...

A Guide for HR Managers: Streamlining Employee Payroll Inquiries

Do you ever feel bogged down by employee questions?

What Makes a Good Technology Partner?

Government agencies rely on private tech companies to achieve their goals, but not all vendors are...

27 Federal Grants for Local Government Cybersecurity

The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently found 27 federal grants that...

How to Have a Successful Year End

It's that time again... the dreaded year-end beast has again reared its head. As financial staff,...

What is Reporting Software?

In the local government space, we often hear talk of "reporting" and its corresponding software....

Working as a Team in Local Government

We get it. You've got your own department to run, and you're buried in a mountain of paperwork,...

The Ins and Outs of Artificial Intelligence for the Public Sector

Artificial Intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, is a hot topic right now in the public sphere. Do we...

User Conference Speaker Overview

The 2023 SSI User Conference will be better than ever this year! We've brought in leaders in...

How to Research ERP Software Solutions

If you are looking into accounting software, you need to make sure you’re asking the right...

9 Factors That Affect the Price of ERP Software

It feels like the price of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is often hidden. It’s one of...